Wednesday, November 23, 2011


it was a dark and stormy night.....
well not really but i just thought i'd set the mood for our
Happy Halloween
post!   Since Halloween fell on a school day and 
we are busy little schoolgirls, we only had a short time to do this shoot. 
 Buuuut, we got to spend all day dressed up in proud Gallagher plaid!

this is even the official Gallagher hair accessory
by gift of JB :)

we found a book about us!!

    jb found an interesting section ;)


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

we are still alive... i promise :)

dear lovely friends

i know it seem that jb and i have plumb fallen off the face of the earth but we haven't... i promise :)   apparently our teachers don't care that we're trying to keep up a blog!! anyway we have pictures from two "events' to post... which i will try to make happen this week.  we're on Thanksgiving break this week and i'm going to be trying to get things done like crazy!  i won't make any promises except to try to get these up by sunday.   tomorrow morning i'm planning to get some pictures of my sister in this cool little abandoned house on my grandparents ranch (where i am for a few days)... i'll try, sometime soon, to scan in and post some other pictures i took out here... 

anyway, while trying to work on my design project ;) i stumbled across this cool website that creates word bubbles... you can copy/paste a body of text or a url and it will organize the text by how many time they occur... super cool :)
so i put in WeTwoPair and voila!

i will not use this to waste time
i will not use this to waste time
i will not use this to waste time
i will not use this to waste time....
i will no....
ooo hey i could do jane austen!!!