Wednesday, August 3, 2011

time marches on..!!!!  
i'm out at my grandparents ranch in west texas and it is hot and dry like nobody's business...there is only grass where the hose is running and where the windmill tank has run over...   not to mention that, after a neighbors violation of the burn ban, a good chunk of the ranch has burned, leaving nothing but a ghastly, charred, and spindly reminder of what was once there.  so in remembrance of what used to be and to memorialize the beauty within the burn, a friend, angela, and i went out and took pictures amid the remains.  most of the images are on film from my old pentax but we did get a few shots via iPhone.  i will get the prints scanned and posted (but don't hold your breath... you might pass out before i get them up.. (;  ).

today angela and i went into town to hit up the local resale shops before they closed and believe you me, we got it big time!  i went into town with $50 and came back with $17 and two armloads of stuff and a gallon of milk and 5 bananas :)   so i'll be going home with a total of 3 new/old suitcases, 5 vintage thermoses, and 5 new pictures in the frame, 2 more vintage cameras (and a flash) and one pair of vintage ice skates!  no, i'm not a hoarder... i'm a collector ;)

here's a bit of my score

sorry about the terrible picture.. i think the camera on my phone has like 3 megapixs :/

i'll have to post  better pic of that fantastic 70's mini dress that in the center.. it's colors are super crazy and it's super cute!!

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