Thursday, February 17, 2011

Heart Day

I've come to the conclusion that only people in a relationship actually like Valentine's Day. And I totally understand it. I hated it until I found Dork (aka my future husband, Kaleb). But now I kind of like it. We go on dates pretty frequently, and he oftentimes brings me flowers/presents on a random day just because he loves me, so we like to make Valentine's extra special. Usually he likes to surprise me, which is what he did this year.

This year's surprise was a trip to a super fancy restaurant that I've been wanting to go to for years.  YEARS, I tell you! So we ate super wonderful fancy food. He even dressed up in a suit! For me! He doesn't like to wear suits unless it's for church, so I felt pretty special. 

Since we're just too cute for the world to not see...

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