Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Third Time's a Charm

It's day THREE of our Patterns at Play week! 

I tried my best to at least get a glimpse of today's outfits in pictures, but Juju was playing Ms. Procrastinator on an art project, thus outfit pictures were not the priority.

Juju is wearing stripes and argyle! ARGYLE! Have I ever mentioned my love for argyle? No? Well argyle is kind of my second love. I absolutely love it when my future husband wears argyle dress socks. He usually gets an extra kiss on those days. He thinks I'm silly, but he keeps wearing them.

Since Juju usually plays photographer for me when we meet up, and she was unavailable today, I made do with my point and shoot and the lockers at the gym. Don't they make for a  lovely backdrop?

     Ok, enough outfits. Let's delve into the mystery of what-was-Juju's-incredible-art-project-that-kept-her-from-playing-photographer/model-with-her-BFF-?. (The period is on purpose since the question mark is part of the title of our little mystery. Little Miss English must set things strait.)

First of all, never trust Juju with machinery.

It is a scary sight.

See that cute little wire tight-rope girl? She is Juju's handiwork! Juju is the big one with the little umbrella.

Here she is putting on the finishing touches:

With the finished project!

1 comment:

Monica said...

Yay for stripes with florals! Looks like you are having so much fun in your blog pictures. Following you now. Follow me back?