Spinning around and around and around and around and around in a spinny chair will make you very dizzy very fast. We know.
On day five of pattern mixing week it was supposed to rain. It did not. Juju wore Toms, so she must be smarter than Mr. Weatherman.
I figured that today was a perfect day for plaid, and the zebra boots were inevitable (you know, since there was supposed to be RAIN!). Juju went with floral and another unnameable pattern, but here's a close-up.
Baby carriage, shoe, tiger. It's like I Spy on a shirt. The tag probably has a list: find the horse; find the rabbit; find the blue gummy bear. Or maybe not.
Here are the two funniest pictures of the day.
We should really get some kind of award for making such awesome faces while falling off a chair. But our, we're-having-fun faces are pretty awesome too.
Here are the two funniest pictures of the day.
We should really get some kind of award for making such awesome faces while falling off a chair. But our, we're-having-fun faces are pretty awesome too.